Degradable Plastics: Environment Superhero? | Findaso

How can biodegradable plastics help protect the environment?

Degradable Plastics: Environment Superhero? | Findaso
Salı, 09 Mayıs,2023

Plastics have become an integral part of our daily lives. From packaging to electronics, we use plastic products in a range of applications. While plastic has many advantages, it also poses a significant threat to the environment. Plastic waste is a major source of pollution, and it can take hundreds of years to decompose. Biodegradable plastics offer a potential solution to this problem, as they can break down much faster than traditional plastics. In this blog, we will explore the concept of biodegradable plastics and how they can help in protecting the environment.

What are Biodegradable Plastics?

Biodegradable plastics are a type of plastic that can decompose naturally in the environment. These plastics are designed to break down into natural materials such as water, carbon dioxide, and biomass when exposed to specific environmental conditions. Unlike traditional plastics, which can persist in the environment for centuries, biodegradable plastics have the potential to disappear in a matter of weeks or months.

There are two types of biodegradable plastics: bioplastics and oxo-degradable plastics. Bioplastics are made from renewable sources such as cornstarch, sugarcane, and potato starch. These plastics are often compostable, meaning they can break down into organic matter when placed in a composting environment. Oxo-degradable plastics, on the other hand, are made from traditional plastic materials such as polyethylene and polypropylene, but they are treated with additives that cause them to break down faster when exposed to oxygen and sunlight.

How can Biodegradable Plastics help protect the environment?

* Reducing Plastic Waste

One of the main benefits of biodegradable plastics is that they can help reduce plastic waste. Traditional plastics can take hundreds of years to decompose, which means that plastic waste can accumulate in landfills and in the environment for decades. Biodegradable plastics, on the other hand, can break down much faster, reducing the amount of plastic waste that ends up in landfills or in the ocean.

* Decreasing Carbon Footprint

Biodegradable plastics made from renewable sources have a lower carbon footprint than traditional plastics. Traditional plastics are made from fossil fuels, which are non-renewable resources. In contrast, biodegradable plastics made from renewable sources such as cornstarch or sugarcane have a lower carbon footprint because they are made from renewable resources.

* Promoting Sustainable Agriculture

Biodegradable plastics made from renewable sources such as cornstarch or sugarcane can promote sustainable agriculture. These materials require less energy to produce than traditional plastics, and they can be grown using sustainable farming practices. This means that biodegradable plastics made from renewable sources can help support local farmers and promote sustainable agriculture.

* Supporting Circular Economy

Biodegradable plastics can support the circular economy by promoting the use of composting and recycling. Composting biodegradable plastics made from renewable sources such as cornstarch or sugarcane can create a valuable source of organic matter for agriculture, which can be used to enrich the soil and promote plant growth. Recycling biodegradable plastics can also help reduce waste and promote a circular economy.

* Protecting Marine Life

Plastic waste is a significant threat to marine life. Traditional plastics can take hundreds of years to decompose, and in the meantime, they can harm marine animals such as sea turtles, dolphins, and whales. Biodegradable plastics can help reduce the amount of plastic waste in the ocean and protect marine life from harm.

Are there any challenges associated with biodegradable plastics?

While biodegradable plastics offer many benefits, there are also some challenges associated with their use. One of the main challenges is the lack of infrastructure for composting and recycling biodegradable plastics. Composting biodegradable plastics requires specific conditions, such as a specific temperature and moisture level, which may not be available in all areas. Similarly, recycling biodegradable plastics requires specialized equipment and processes that may not be widely available.

Another challenge is that not all biodegradable plastics are created equal. While some biodegradable plastics can break down quickly and completely in the environment, others may only partially degrade or leave behind harmful residues. It is important to ensure that biodegradable plastics are certified and meet specific standards for biodegradability and compostability.

Finally, there is a risk that biodegradable plastics may contribute to littering and waste if people assume that they can simply discard these products in the environment without any consequences. It is important to educate people about the proper disposal of biodegradable plastics and to promote composting and recycling as the preferred options.

Facts and figures

* Globally, humans produce over 300 million tons of plastic waste each year.

* Only 9% of plastic waste is recycled, with the majority ending up in landfills or the environment.

* By 2050, it is estimated that there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish, by weight.

* Plastic pollution in the ocean causes harm to over 800 marine species.

* Over 90% of seabirds have ingested plastic, which can cause choking, starvation, and entanglement.

* Plastic pollution also affects human health through contaminated seafood and microplastic ingestion.

* Biodegradable plastics have the potential to reduce plastic waste and pollution, with one study estimating that they could reduce marine plastic pollution by 50-80% by 2050.

* Biodegradable plastics made from renewable sources such as cornstarch or sugarcane have a lower carbon footprint than traditional plastics made from fossil fuels, with one study estimating that they produce 25-30% fewer greenhouse gas emissions.

* Composting biodegradable plastics made from renewable sources can create a valuable source of organic matter for agriculture, reducing the need for synthetic fertilizers and promoting soil health.

* In 2019, the global market for biodegradable plastics was valued at $3.02 billion, with a projected compound annual growth rate of 13.8% from 2020 to 2027.

* The Asia-Pacific region is the largest market for biodegradable plastics, with increasing demand in countries such as China and India due to government regulations and consumer awareness.

* Biodegradable plastics have been used in various applications, including packaging, agriculture, textiles, and medical devices.


Biodegradable plastics offer a potential solution to the problem of plastic waste and pollution. These plastics can break down much faster than traditional plastics, reducing the amount of waste that ends up in landfills or in the environment. Biodegradable plastics made from renewable sources can also have a lower carbon footprint and promote sustainable agriculture. However, there are also challenges associated with the use of biodegradable plastics, including the lack of infrastructure for composting and recycling, the variability in biodegradability, and the risk of littering and waste. It is important to continue to research and develop biodegradable plastics that meet specific standards for biodegradability and compostability and to educate people about the proper disposal of these products. By working together, we can reduce plastic waste and protect the environment for future generations.