This solution offers integrated third-party logistics services for Turkish manufacturers selling to America, streamlining export processes and enabling them to focus on core business functions. With features like automated order processing via EDI integrations, real-time inventory tracking, and reliable shipping, Sellerics provides cost-effective and scalable logistics solutions for efficient operations in the American market.
Sell in America
Sellerics offers integrated 3rd Party logistics services for manufacturers who will sell to America from Turkey.
Sellerics' 3rd Party logistics services provide cost-effective, scalable and reliable solutions (including export). Thus, while we deal with the supply chain in America, Turkish manufacturers can focus on their core business.
Happy Customers with Fast Delivery
- Thanks to EDI integrations, Sellerics software automatically receives your customers' orders.
- These orders are then removed from our warehouse and shipped on time.
Services :
Sellerics goes beyond traditional warehouse services with its integrated software program.
Technology :
You can view all your inventory movements from a single screen at any time.
American Market :
America offers many options for manufacturers looking to export overseas.
Pricing Options
- Per Station
Targeted Customers
- Banking and Fintech
- Industrial Equipment and Design
- Biotechnology & Healthcare Tech
- Tourism and Transportation Tech
- Shipping Companies and Lines
- Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
- Enterprise Companies
- Retail Tech
- Manufacturing Companies
Value proposition
- Sell in America
- retail
- logistics
- third-party logistics
- export services
- EDI integration
- inventory tracking
- scalable solutions
- cost-effective logistics
- automated order processing
- fast delivery
- American market entry
- reliable shipping
- integrated software
- seamless export
- inventory management
- real-time tracking
- warehouse services
Youtube video
youtube video for Sellerics