About Shabani


Borvista Technology    New Jersey ‑ United States

Senior Android developer ‑ Remote      May 2022 ‑ Present

•   Design and development of Android applications.

•   Used Retrofit and OkHttp libraries to send requests and get responses from the back‑end server.

•   Working with MVVM and clean architecture, Hilt, Kotlin Coroutines, Kotlin Flow, and LiveData.

•   Implement unit tests with 80 percent code coverage.

•   Review codes and PRs.

•   Technical Skills: Android development, Kotlin, Java, Android Studio, Design patterns, Junit, Mockito, Git.

•   Soft Skills: Teamwork, Time Management, Communication.


May 2019 ‑ May 2022, Tehran ‑ Iran

Senior Android developer          

•   Design and development of Paziresh24 Android application.

•   Review codes and PRs.

•   Used most of the famous libraries such as Retrofit, Glide, Room, and Kotlin Coroutines.

•   Using Socket.IO to implement chat service for the section of online consultant.

•   Technical Skills: Android development, Kotlin, Java, Android Studio, Design patterns, Socket.IO, Git.

•   Soft Skills: Team Leading, Time Management, Communication, Logical Thinking.

•   Play Store: Download Link


Nov 2018 ‑ Apr 2019, Yazd ‑ Iran

Android developer 

•   Used most of the famous libraries such as Retrofit, Glide, Room, and Kotlin Coroutines.

•   Implement custom UI components.

•   Technical Skills: Android development, Java, Android Studio, Git.

•   Soft Skills: Teamwork, Time Management, Communication, Logical Thinking.

Baloot Games Studio    Yazd ‑ Iran

Software developer      Apr 2016 ‑ Feb 2017

•   Implement back‑end side for Mr.Mokh(It is a game that has more than 1M downloads on Cafe bazaar which is the most famous Android market in Iran).

•   Implement the logic side of games using Unity.

•   Technical Skills: PHP, Unity3d, C, Game Design, Git.

•   Soft Skills: Teamwork, Time Management, Communication, Logical Thinking.


Work Experience – Part‑time

BrainGoMo       Münster ‑ Germany

Senior Android developer ‑ Remote      Sep 2022 ‑ Feb 2023

•   Working with BLE devices.

•   Implement charts and radars for Corsano cardio watch using Corsano SDK and Jetpack Compose

•   Used Retrofit and OkHttp libraries.

•   Used MVVM and Clean architecture with Hilt for dependency injection.

•   Worked with Kotlin Coroutines and Flow and LiveData, and other Jetpack libraries such as Navigation Component.

•   Review codes and PRs.

•   Technical Skills: Android development, Kotlin, Java, Android Studio, Design patterns, Jetpack compose, BLE, Git.

•   Soft Skills: TeamWork, Time Management, Communication.


Jun 2017 ‑ May 2019, Yazd ‑ Iran

Android developer

•   Used Retrofit and OkHttp libraries to send requests and get responses from the back‑end server.

•   Used MVVM and Clean architecture with Hilt for dependency injection.

•   Worked with Kotlin Coroutine and Flow and LiveData.

•   Worked with other Jetpack libraries such as Navigation Component with a Single Activity architecture.

•   Review codes and PRs.

•   Technical Skills: Android development, Kotlin, Java, Android Studio, Design patterns, Git.

•   Soft Skills: Time Management, Communication, Presentation.


Software developer 

Jul 2017 ‑ Feb 2017, Yazd ‑ Iran

•   Pishgaman is an accelerator that provides opportunities for teams to work on their ideas as a startup team. In Pishgaman, we had a four‑person team. We were working on a project named Tournament. The tournament was a platform for holding tournaments including photography, poem, and writing. Our platform held tournaments like what users do on Instagram

•   Technical Skills: Android development, Java, Android Studio, PHP, Git.

•   Soft Skills: Team Building, Time Management, Communication, Logical Thinking.



BSc in Computer Engineering    2013 ‑ 2018

•   Courses: Data Structures, Algorithms Design, Operating Systems, Network, Artificial Intelligence, Databases, Advanced Programming using JAVA.



MagicBody        Tehran ‑ Iran

https://www.magicbody.ir        May 2021 ‑ Oct 2021

•   MagicBody is an application for Mr. Farzin Jabbari who is a bodybuilding and fitness coach. In this application, users can subscribe and watch videos, read articles, and they can take advice from the coaches.

•   Technical Skills: Android Studio, Kotlin, MVVM, Clean Architecture, Koin, Navigation Components, Jetpack libraries, Git.

•   Soft Skills: Time Management, Teamwork, Report writing.

Laakposht          Yazd ‑ Iran

Freelance          2020

•   Laakposht is an online laundry delivery service in Yazd, Iran. We worked as a startup team to create a valuable product for this industry.

•   Technical Skills: Android Studio, Java, Git

•   Soft Skills: Presentation skills, Leadership, Teamwork, Logical Thinking.

Farhood‑Tile    Yazd ‑ Iran

Freelance          2020

•   Farhood tile is a tile company in Yazd, Iran. Farhood application provides an online shop for Farhood’s products.

•   Technical Skills: Android Studio, Java, Git.

•   Soft Skills: Communication, Report writing, Logical Thinking.



Programming: Java, Kotlin, PHP, C, C, Javascript

Frameworks: Android.

Database: MySQL, SQLite, Room ORM for Android.

Development Tools: Android Studio, IntelliJ Idea, Visual Studio Code, Git.

Soft Skills: Time Management, Teamwork, Problem‐solving, Documentation, Engaging Presentation.


2022     Become a Product Manager, Bozhan Product School 2021          Google Analytics for Beginners, Google

2020     Kotlin for Java Developers, Coursera

java kotlin php c javascript android mysql vscode
There is currently no portfolio added.

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