About Mehdi
I’m a Front-End Developer with about 2 years of experience and I'm familiar with most of the necessary libraries. I’m able to quickly grasp new concepts. I love coding websites and most of the time I do it as a hobby. I look forward to learning new stuff and being the best version of myself as a Developer. I’m not afraid of errors and bugs and actually, they are the fun part of coding. I like the nice feeling and excitement after solving them.
ReactJS, NextJS, Redux, GraphQL, Restful API, JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS, Sass, Material-UI, Tailwind, SPA, PWA, Responsive Design, GIT, Agile(Scrum), React Native
Front-End Developer
Rizo Studio – contract
Dec 2022 – Present
Participate in product releases and code reviews with 2 senior developers and team leads. Assisted in building 100% reusable code and libraries for future use.
Front-End Developer
Digid.ca – freelance
Jun 2022 – Nov 2022
Worked in an Agile, collaborative environment to receive design requirements, and peer program. Utilized HTML, CSS, JS, and ReactJS to create +50 responsive landing pages for Canadian companies.
Founder and Front-End Developer
Dorminaco.ir – self-employed
Dec 2020 – April 2022
Assisted the development team in crafting some WordPress sites with testing, deployment, and site updates. Maintained graphic standards and branding throughout the product’s interfaces.
- Create an exclusive shirt with a new 3D customization tool. This app is a
- PWA and very responsive.
- ThreeJS, NextJS, TailwindCSS, and TypeScript are used in this app.
Preview: https://project3.mehdirezakhani.ir/
Source : https://github.com/MehdiiRezakhani/Customizify
- This website shows the current price, change percentage, market cap,
- chart, and other detail of any crypto. The data is loaded from
- coingecko.com and bitcoin.com.
- React, React-Router-Dom, Axios, ChartJS, Material-UI, and Sass have
- been used in this website.
Preview : https://project1.mehdirezakhani.ir
Source : https://github.com/MehdiiRezakhani/Crypto-view
Online Shop
- This project receives data from API and shows on a great UI.
- The data is loaded from fakestoreapi.com.
- React, Redux, React-Router-Dom, Axios have been used in this website.
- Preview : https://project2.mehdirezakhani.ir
Source : https://github.com/MehdiiRezakhani/Online-shop
Other Projects : https://MehdiRezakhani.ir/projects