

About Mahdi

Mahdi Ghorbani _ Frontend Engineer

linkedin.com/in/mahdi-ghorbani1998 | github.com/MahdiGhorbani98 | [email protected] | Isfahan, Iran


ReactJS, NextJs, JavaScript, TypeScript, Context, Redux, React Native, react table, react hook form, react router, HTML,

CSS, Ant Design, NextUI, Bootstrap, Sass, TailwindCSS, ThreeJS, GSAP, Axios, Rest Api, Git, TDD/Jest


Monopon | Basel

Front end Developer (Remote) | 06/2022 - 07/2023

  • Developed the Monopon web application utilizing NextJs, Bootstrap and Sass; achieved a reduced page

load time by 20% through optimized code and responsive design.

  • Collaborated on Monofreelancer web application by JS, HTML/Sass
  • Designed and Animated 5 landing pages using GSAP, JavaScript and ReactJs
  • Upgraded performance and enhanced SEO, resulting in a 20% increase in page load speed


Front End Developer | 01/2021 - 03/2022

  • Worked out with front-end libraries and frameworks, implementing projects with a focus on improving user experience

Mafio | Isfahan

Game Developer | 05/2017 - 10/2020

  • Released 2 successful games (Kebrit and WW)
  • Coded in C# for Unity3d and Designed 3D models in Blender


Khoneko | Next 13.4, Zustand, NextUI, TailwindCSS

  • Implemented Next.js framework and cutting-edge SEO tools to optimize website performance, resulting in a 25%
  • improvement in website loading speed and enhancing user experience.
  • Built an MVP web application for the startup Khoneko

Monopon | NextJs, Redux, bootstrap, Sass

Monofreelancer | Javascript, bootstrap

KhatKhati (AI) | React-Native

  • Converted a smart drawing website to an android app that allows to turn sketches into refined images using AI

Torobche Extension | Javascript

  • Generated a chrome extension which helps to save money for online shopping

Suggest Food Restaurant | React, Material-UI, React Hook Form, GSAP, Axios, Context

  • Created undergraduate project which proposes 3 foods based on user responses

Nulo Agency | JavaScript, SVG Animations

  • Devised a creative landing website for Nulo Agency using JS and Math

MeadLight PinkDrink Clone | React, SVG, GSAP, Three.js, React Three Fiber

  • Revamped a web site using React as the first project
  • Inspired by one of the creative and Awwwards winning websites


University of Najafabad | Isfahan Computer Software Engineering | 06/2022

There is currently no portfolio added.

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