About Ali
Determined and result-oriented Full-Stack developer with 5+ years of experience in code writing and
optimizing web pages. Highly proficient in Javascript language and seeking to continue improving my
coding skills as a Full-Stack developer
- Javascript,Nodejs,Git,Nestjs,SQL,TypeScript, NoSql,unit-test,integration-test, Reactjs,Nextjs,Redux,Restapi,graphql, CI/CD, JWT, Python, Nginx, Web Security, Linux
- Database Design
- Docker Products
- Security
- Communication Skill
- Problem-solving
- Creativity
- Time Management
- Eye for Detail
Full-Stack Developer / Co-Founder at Tunerplus.ir
2020 - Present
- Streaming extensive data between server and client. ( Restapi)
- Design and implement authorization and authentication with passport js jwt strategy.
- Write unit and integration tests and make the source code trustable and expandable. Use CQRS
- pattern to scale independently.
- Use checksum and CRC for validating bin files.
- Improve chartjs line chart capability and use it in the project. ( Canvas)
- Use and improve visjs 3d graph surface chart in the project.
Front-End Developer at advisorbuddy - Canada
2022 - 2023
- Handle multiple large forms, implement complex UI and digital signature, and build large pdf for house information.
- Optimize performance and refactor codes.
- Teamwork
Front-End Developer at Zeemind.ir - Iran, Tehran
2019 - 2020
- Build users' panels with various types. It was like upwork.com or freelancer.com ( a website for freelancers and employers)
- Handle step-by-step forms.
- Teamwork
Back-End Developer at TecnoBazrooj - Iran, Tehran
2018- 2019
- Develop and implement the backend side with microservice architecture to scale each service independently.
- Work a little with PostgreSQL and Redis (authorization and authentication service) and make multiple rules and levels of privileges for users and admins.
- Teamwork and Agile methodology.
- Write a cron system to update the database at the specified times.
Full-Stack Developer - Freelancer
2017 - Present
- Implement claim-based authentication and use PASETO instead of JWT.
- Work a little with AWS using localstack.
- Work with Jira, Trello, and Slack to communicate with team members in better ways.
- Deploy payment systems.
- Work as a bug hunter ( security )
University of Mazandaran
Bachelor of Computer Engineering - 2022
Grade: 15/20